Whistle whetting time
Hello again pilgrims,
In case you're getting bored in your new land, here's the first little tease from what's going to be BECOMING ONE OF THEM which (hopefully a good one. Witch, that is) will be the book (as soon as I figure how to get it published) that recounts (yes even I sometimes can be off count) my little 19 year (so far) journey from the successful delightfully dancing care free kicker I once was to the stumbling bumbling sometimes mumbling mass of more and more metal free care codger I've become.....
Wasn’t it enough that I’d almost been dead?
What more did they want? I’d already given blood and I had no first born to bargain with!!! I mean there I was, minding my own business, not really bothering anyone, or if I was, not enough to deserve this, and then BOOM! That fraction of a millisecond, and nothing would be the same… Wait, now wait a second lemme go back to the start:
I was having A pretty nice life
My work was getting me around
France Honolulu and Australia were a few
Of the many places I could be found
Also Tokyo & London are nice places to work
Guadeloupe was hot and not too much fun
Sicily & Germany & Spain were not bad
I wished that Israel would never be done
Then I took a job in SouthAfrica
A Funky place I hadn’t been to yet
My friend Yuval would teach them Tap, I’d be doing Jazz
I signed the paper, everything was set
The gig was pretty peachy for the first 2 weeks
Then Capetown was the last place we’d stay
There we could have flown BUT they decided to drive
So we could see the pretty sites on the way
The first day of the drive was uneventful and fine
We settled in E. London for the night
I’m told we got up early and got ready to go
So we’d arrive while there was plenty of light
But some other dummy driving on the wrong side of the road
Must have skipped his second cup of “Joe”
Then again it’s possible he stayed up all night
Drinking shots and doing lots of blow
Our driver Sluggy tried to turn to avoid the crash
We couldn’t go left and so he turned it right
Unfortunately that put me directly in line
Like I had been sitting in a gunslinger’s sight
There were 3 other people traveling with me that day
They got banged but could stumble away
But in the front seat unconscious and all broken up
Is where I was and where I would stay
They weren’t sure If I was dead or alive
Slumped with my head to one side
Yuval said bubbles dribbling out my nose and my mouth
Was how he knew that I hadn’t died.
That’s how I got introduced to my new best friend
A friend I’ll have until the day I die
This friend is definitely one that I would rather not have
His initials are T.B.I.
TBI? What the hell is TBI? Well it would be a while before I would find out. The crash had rendered me useless but thankfully......
So, If that whetted your appetite a bit, stop drooling, wet your whistle if you want, clean yourself up (do folks in the southern hemisphere clean themselves down?), and stay tuned. There will be more at some uncertain time in the future. Until then, take care, be well, and I'll seeya soon!
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