Good morning Guys (that's the unisex guys, as in everyone),
On this byootiful morning (spring has finally sprung) we're going to head
back (is it possible to arm back or maybe buttock back?) to lovely (so I've
been told) E. London where our pack of partially pulverized travelers just
got a visit from a group of curious locals. Am I going to get the help I need?
(Gosh I hope so!) Are our visitors going to get a big ovation for their song?
Well let's just jump back to that rainy morning and find what awaits us......
After finally being extracted from the car I was taken to the nearest hospital, which in this case turned out to be a government run hospital. Now, if you think Government here is filled with incompetent, pathetic, inept, know nothing nincompoops & lots of garbage, well… you’d be right. But I gotta tell you; for a real a mess you should see the lovely dirt filled poor excuse for a Hospital I was brought to over there.......
For instance, Yuval who had his arm and ear cut up in the accident, had his lacerations ”cleaned up and bandaged” at the Government “Hospital” I had been brought to. A few weeks after his return to Israel he noticed some mysterious bumps on his arm. Though fairly certain these epidermal eruptions weren’t evil alien embryos waiting to explode and begin their ultimate destruction plan, he decided to have them checked out. The mystery was solved when his Doctors discovered that instead of dread aliens, under his skin there happened to be many pieces of the shattered glass that, instead of being “cleaned up”, had just been left in his arm.......
The way he described the whole scenario, it kinda reminded me of the Meatloaf scene in Rocky Horror Picture Show. Y’know when Meatloaf, on his motorcycle with this chainsaw and…. never mind. Check it out on Netflix. But I gotta tell you: As bad as it sounds, and bad it does sound, while my Mom was alive I used to joke with her about how proud she would’ve been if she’d have seen me when I was first brought in.
The morning of that fateful drive
They say there was some rain
That day my mind does not recall
That’s good ‘cause there was pain!
Against the window my head slammed
Eyes shut wide filled with blood
Bones braking, circuits shutting down
Think rush hour stuck in mud
Now looking back with different eyes
I try to find some good
Within the day that changed my life
I really think I should.......
Well, it's not looking too promising for our pals in that filthy facility masquerading as a
helpful health restoring hospital. Are they going to be used for some 1950's b-movie
Vincent Price type mad scientist evil experiments? Mooo-ahhhh-ha-ha-haaaaah!! Well
whatever it's gonna be, I'm not gonna tell so let's tune in soon and see.
whatever it's gonna be, I'm not gonna tell so let's tune in soon and see.
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